iGam3 M1 (for now)
Setup FAQs
Why does my screen say “Run the app..” ? or/and “No Internet Connection”
This happens when the device cannot establish an Internet connection. Please plug in the LAN cable or check the Internet speed at your location.
What kind of wallet can be linked to an iGam3 device?
Any Web3 Wallets can link to your iGam3 device. We recommend Meta Mask or Trust Wallet if you have not had one before. You can follow our step-by-step guide above to create a new wallet and link it to the device.
I already have a wallet. Do I need to create a new one for my iGam3 device?
As long as your current wallet is Web3, you can link it to your iGam3 device. You don’t need to create a new one.
I can’t link my wallet. The app shows this error message “Failed to link wallet. Please try again or contact support…”
This could be due to different reasons, either your wallet is not Web3 or the Internet connection is not stable. Please contact us with your device’s serial number, we will take a closer look for you.
How many wallets can I link to iGam3?
An iGam3 device can be only linked to ONE (1) wallet. However, a wallet can be linked to multiple iGam3 devices.
Why does a QR code appear again on the device screen even though I already linked the device to my wallet? Do I need to scan the QR code to link my wallet again?
No, you do not need to link your wallet again. The QR code will disappear in less than 1 minute if you already linked your wallet to your iGam3 device. This only happens when you restart the device. In case you scan the QR again, it will only show your profile in the app with the connected device.
Last updated